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Sanjay Tandon promises to make Chandigarh a vibrant IT, financial hub

BJP candidate from Chandigarh Sanjay Tandon on Thursday promised to create better infrastructure for IT and corporate companies, foster industry collaborations, and establish a conducive environment to attract top-tier companies and nurture home-grown start-ups.
“Chandigarh possesses the potential to emerge as a vibrant IT and financial hub, just like Bangalore and Pune,” he said while addressing IT professionals.
He emphasised the importance of understanding the demands and aspirations of the city and its youth over time. “Better job opportunities need to be created within the city so that the local talent pool does not move to other cities. Chandigarh is undergoing a transformative journey and will be known as an aspirational city in the next five years,” he assured the gathering.
Tandon underscored Chandigarh’s strategic location advantage, saying, “Being a Union territory and the capital city of Punjab and Haryana, companies would have an extra advantage here as they will have access to three different governments in one city. Additionally, being the first planned city in the country, it provides the best quality of life.”
Tandon emphasised the importance of collaborative efforts between the administration, industry stakeholders and educational institutions to realise the vision of a vibrant IT and financial centre.
“I am deeply committed to supporting Chandigarh’s interests and facilitating its journey towards becoming a leading IT and financial hub. If elected to power, together we will unlock the city’s potential in the next five years and usher in an era of unprecedented growth and development,” he promised.
At another gathering, members of various business organisations shared their problems with Tandon.
